Milano 24 Apr. 2008
TO Gilbert Romero
CC Greg Totten Edmund G. Brown Jr
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
President George W. Bush Media
Dear Gilbert Romero
After my press conference in Frenso on April the 7th, the only answer or justification I received from your office is that Carlo Parlanti has undergone a fair trial. Therefore you think fair a 9 year sentence for a crime that in a logical, physical and juridical point of view is simply absurd or directly taken from the worst science fiction film. Now, I understand that you may cheat the Frenso Bee journalist, who’s not aware of the records of the trial. But you know very well the records. We have demonstrated beyond any doubt that the trial against Carlo Parlanti is based on false evidences. You can find anything on the web site sorry if English is not completely correct: the content is translated by non professional volunteers, certainly much better than you could do translating from English to Italian. The evidences are well intelligible and you can find the same evidences also in the trial transcriptions at : no doubt, in this case, English is correct, since we have got them directly from the Attorney Office.
I don’t understand why the journalist told me that the Us Government (maybe he was thinking about the Attorney) declares that Parlanti fled away to Germany. How could you commit false declaration? You know perfectly well that Carlo was arrested in Germany, where he was temporarily staying for a job meeting, 2 years after the charge report. And you know that he was living in Italy, having residence there, travelling along Europe and Canada. How could a fugitive travel with his official documents and using regular flight services?
In a civil country, like yours, I would have expected much more common sense. To be honest, I would have expected much more respect of the law since the beginning of the trial. And it is true that in the U.S. law, in case of rape, the victim’s declaration is an evidence. But it has to be reliable and not contradictory, as well as investigations have to be accurate. It is logical and clear that photos like the ones showed by mrs White, and appeared after 3 years just after you, Mr Romero, in an email, had complained about the non-existence of proofs, cannot be taken into consideration in Calo Parlanti’s case.
The supposed victim showed the Attorney a calendar that Judge Cloniger refused among the evidences since it had been counterfeited.
Mrs Whites shows false evidences and she can just live quiet and in peace, maybe destroying another family, just like she has done with her previous husband, with Carlo e who knows who else.
This is injury to the real victims of violence. Is injury to human intelligence and injury to the U.S. Constitution. I just want to believe this is just a enormous mistake, made in good faith. But thanks to this mistake, Carlo Parlanti is dying in the Avenal Prison. The ones who permitted this, not refusing false evidences, are party to homicide and should be prosecuted in a civil country like the U.S. I give you the link to a broadcast about the case on channel 26 Fresno the end I am saying that there are counterfeit evidence and we have technical and official data of this. Now what I am asking to the ventura Prosecutor and the American journalists, before saying that Mr Parlanti had a fair trial, is to prove, as we did, that the tests are counterfeits. On the contrary, this would mean that I, Katia Anedda, I am committing a crime and that Carlo Parlanti has committed a crime, but you have to prove it, because ‘till now the only proved thing is that the only victim is Carlo Parlanti. If you are able to prove we are wrong, all the people and Italian and European politicians that are asking for justice, will stop. Otherwise we will continue to ask for justice.
Katia Anedda